Gastric Balloon

When conservative weight loss methods aren’t effective but you don’t want to consider bariatric surgery, a gastric balloon could be the answer. If you’re overweight or obese, the expert team at AMI Surgery in Stamford, Connecticut, and Port Chester, New York, can fit a fully reversible Orbera® gastric balloon that stays in your stomach for six months. For more information about the benefits of a gastric balloon, call or book an appointment online today.

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Gastric Balloon Q & A

What is a gastric balloon?

A gastric balloon is a medical device that can help you lose weight. AMI Surgery fits the Orbera gastric balloon using a non-invasive technique that takes about 30 minutes to complete. It’s an outpatient procedure the team performs onsite.

With the help of the Orbera gastric balloon managed weight loss program, you can expect to lose around 30 pounds of excess weight. This weight loss occurs rapidly in the first three months, during which time you learn more about the right kinds of foods to eat and portion control.

The Orbera gastric balloon stays in place for a maximum of six months before the AMI Surgery team removes it.

How is a gastric balloon fitted?

Fitting the Orbera gastric balloon doesn’t require any incisions. Instead, your provider at AMI Surgery uses an endoscope to fit the balloon.

An endoscope is an instrument with a flexible tube, light, and camera. The endoscope goes down your throat to your stomach, carrying the gastric balloon. 

Your provider then fills the gastric balloon, using a syringe to inject a sterile saline solution. When they complete the procedure, the balloon is about the same size as a grapefruit.

Because the gastric balloon takes up space in your stomach, you don’t have room for as much food so you’ll feel full far more quickly. 

Over the six months that the gastric balloon is in place, the AMI Surgery team helps you adjust your eating habits so you don’t return to overeating when they remove the balloon.

Is gastric balloon surgery right for me?

The Orbera gastric balloon is suitable for patients who have struggled for years to lose weight. You need to meet certain requirements to be eligible for gastric balloon surgery. You should have a BMI above 27 and need to lose 20-30 pounds of excess weight.

Gastric balloon surgery is also a good option if you don’t feel comfortable with traditional weight loss surgery methods or when you can’t undergo these other procedures.

You won’t be able to have a gastric balloon if you’ve previously undergone other bariatric procedures like gastric sleeve surgery or gastric bypass.

If you think gastric balloon surgery could be the solution to your struggle with weight loss, call AMI Surgery or book a consultation online today.


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